SATRUDAY \\ DECEMBER 12 \\ 10:00am-2:00pm
Project Beauty was created by photographer Thomas Nguyen with the goal of redefining true beauty. With social media being so prevalent today it can warp the sense of beauty, especially for teens and young women. Photographers across the country have joined the movement, offering Project Beauty sessions to empower a generation by bringing natural, true beauty to the forefront.
We share Nguyen’s mission he had in mind when he created Project Beauty. We want all girls and women to know that you are beautiful even if you do not look instagram perfect. You can fit in, feel confident, and be empowered without makeup and editing. Project Beauty sessions allow teens and women to walk away feeling more confident, empowered and stronger than before. The results are images that showcase what true beauty really is.
The rules are simple. No make-up and keep the outfit very simple with a white or cream t-shirt, tank or sweater and jeans or black leggings.
Saturday, December 12, 2020 \\ 10 minute session \\ 10+ images \\ 10-2pm \\ Lexington, IL
We are happy to be donating a portion of the proceeds to a local charity supporting women in need.
“Free Yourself”